How To Clean and Preserve a Wedding Dress

How to Clean and Preserve a Wedding Dress?

Now that the festivities are over, it is time to store the wedding dress safely. However, you want to be careful because the expensive article of clothing represents a joyous occasion. Here is your extensive guide on how to clean and preserve a wedding dress.

Guide to Cleaning a wedding dress


  • Before you clean the wedding dress, investigate the stains and spots on it. It will help you identify whether to use an oil-based solvent. The other solution is using water-based detergent. There are different remedies for different stains as the reception takes quite a toll on the wedding dress.
  • Secondly, the individual must also assume the stains are the same. After the successful examination, you must decide how to proceed with cleaning the gown. If proper care is not taken, you might end up with a dress in a worse state.
  • Of course, the individual must also consider the dress during the cleaning process. The care is amplified if the dress has mesh, beading, or sparkle. The gemstone’s integrity and shine will wither if the detergent is too strong.
  • The wedding dress cleaning is not a hasty process. Therefore, the dress owner must not throw the dress in the washing machine and assume it will be clean. How to clean and preserve a wedding dress follows very different protocols, which factor in fabric, material, and boning.
  • If you are taking a DIY approach to wedding dress cleaning, ensure you use a light-hearted brush with soft motions. Rigorous movements will harm the material or the beading. Furthermore, it might pull away the fabric, resulting in fraying. Therefore, practice caution when cleaning a wedding dress.

Guide to preserving your wedding dress

Preserving your wedding dress is crucial as it is associated with beautiful memories. Moreover, you may wish to present it to future generations, turning it into an heirloom. Here is how to do it:

  • Firstly, wash and dry your hands. You do not want moisturizers or ointments to transfer onto the dress. We suggest wearing cotton fiber gloves. Subsequently, wipe the dress with organic tissue paper gently. Ensure the tissues do not have industrial chemicals. Repeat the same with gloves and a veil.
  • The second step for preserving your wedding dress is storing it in a dry space. The storage box must not interact with extreme temperatures or moisture. Therefore, do not store next to water or gas pipes. You can keep it on high shelves in the closet instead.
  • After preserving your wedding dress, view it once or twice a year. Carefully observe the wedding dress for new stains. Same as before, examine the gown with clean hands. Moreover, you must also fold it lightly to prevent creasing. You can place tissues or a layer of clothing that prevents the fabric from stressing itself.

Hire Wedding Dress Services today

Our experts provide solutions for urgent circumstances on your big day. Services include wedding alteration, consultation, and in-house steaming too. If you are interested in Wedding Dress Services preserving your wedding dress, click here to schedule an appointment. We will lead the clients on how to clean and preserve the wedding dress skillfully. 

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